Join us for a great time shooting sticks at boards! We will have a silent auction, 50/50, and more.
The entry fee is $15 per person via pre-registration or $20 at the door. SAVE MONEY and grab your tickets HERE
The format is as follows:
501- Players take turns throwing three darts at a dartboard, trying to reduce their score to zero. The bullseye is worth 50 points, the outer ring is worth 25 points, and double or treble rings count double or treble the segment score.
Cricket- Players try to close the numbers 20–15 and the bullseye by scoring three hits in each number. Players can score in any number they've closed that their opponent hasn't. A score in the double area scores 2 for that number, and a score in the triple area scores 3.
In the case of a tie, we will play flip and diddle. The winner chooses to go first or play (501 or cricket).
We hope to see everyone there!